My Nighttime Routine (Feb 2021)
After posting both my nighttime and morning routines on my Instagram stories, I received some really positive feedback and realized the need to create something more permanent - you know, beyond the 24 hour stint on stories. Sure, I could create an Instagram highlight - in fact as I'm typing this I'm subsequently realizing perhaps I should do that also - but being that I need to spend more time writing and creating content for my blog, I thought what better opportunity than right now.
I've listened to countless podcasts that request the "Morning Routine" of their esteemed guest as there has as of late been incredible fascination with the way people start their days. It makes sense right? The way you start your day is how you set yourself up for success (or otherwise) but what about the night before routine?
Trust me, I LOVE a morning routine (as you'll soon see and I'm sure indicative by the amount of times I've said m-o-r-n-i-n-g r-o-u-t-i-n-e in a matter of three paragraphs) but if your morning routine sets you up for success, why can't your nighttime routine set up your morning routine and thus the next day for success?! I know, mind blown right?!
That brings us to our present state - deep diving into the coveted nighttime routine. Now, before I jump in to the good stuff, I want to take a moment to remind you of the purpose of me sharing these routines with you. Both my nighttime and morning routines are the product of lots of tweaking, lots of learning, lots of adapting and adjusting as I go especially during this new world order of working from home and not ever really feeling settled over the course of the last year or so. They are meant to be a source of inspiration and perhaps offer you some insight into practices that have worked for me and subsequently may work for you.
Please know, there is NO right or wrong way to do a nighttime or morning routine. In fact, you may not even be a routine person - which is totally fine too! (Although I'm thinking you likely wouldn't be reading this post if that were the case). Anything I share with you is something that has worked for me and helped me in my quest of becoming the best version of myself each and every day in the hopes that we can continue to encourage each other to evolve and be open to new products, practices and the like that can help each of us become our best selves!
On that note, let's dive in! Below you will find screenshots directly from my Instagram story detailing my nighttime routine (and in an upcoming post, my morning routine). Please feel free to reach out with any questions you may have by emailing me at
At the end of the workday (usually around 6pm), I unmake my bed. Pillows go on the ground and I get everything ready to hop into bed later that evening. During that time I also change out of my "work clothes," and put on my pajamas. Even if you wear sweats all day long - let's face it, who doesn't nowadays - it is vitally important to change into your pajamas or loungewear following the end of the workday. This helps signal your brain that the work day is done, computer is closed, and it's time for relaxation.
After I eat dinner (usually around 7pm or 7:30pm) I brush my teeth and floss. For Christmas my boyfriend and I invested in the new Quip toothbrushes and we have been loving them! The most important and/or noteworthy part of this step is probably the fact that we stop eating by 7:30pm at the latest. Since we're usually going to bed pretty early, this makes falling asleep a breeze.
Once all these steps are complete, I wash my face using Cetaphil Daily Facial Cleanser. I've jumped all over the place when it comes to cleansers but my better half and I picked this up on our road trip back in December and have been using it ever since. It's a simple, classic and lightweight cleanser that seems to work for multiple skin types as well.
Following my cleanse, I use Dr. Dennis Gross Alpha Beta Peel Pads (2 step process) followed by the Vitamin C + Collagen Cream. It's only been within the last month that I've been using Dr. Dennis Gross products after wanting to try them for quite some time. Thus far I've been loving both the Peel Pads and the Vitamin C Cream and can definitely feel and see a difference in my skin.
Once the Dr. Dennis Gross Vitamin C Cream is applied, I use my Gua Sha to really push the product into my skin and calm down any inflammation from the day. Personally, I actually prefer my Gua Sha over my Jade Roller when it comes to controlling inflammation. With the Gua Sha I feel like I can really get in there and stimulate any necessary lymphatic drainage in my face.
With my face sufficiently tingly (and red from all the Gua Sha-ing LOL), I apply a coat of GrandeLASH to my eyelashes. I used GrandeLASH at the beginning of lockdown back in March 2020 once my eyelash extensions had officially fallen off and I was left with my little eyelash stubs. While I miss my extensions every day, GrandeLASH has helped get my eyelashes long and luscious once again.
At this point I'm usually hopping into bed. I would say I'm in bed for true "winding down time" by 8pm every night during the week. From 8-8:30pm or 9pm I'm finishing up my daily writing, any personal emails I have, working on Instagram engagement or posts, etc.
By 9pm it is bye bye electronics! I plug in my phone and my computer for the night and start reading. Currently I'm reading one book by myself and then I'll read another book out loud that my boyfriend and I are reading together. While I've always struggled to read two books at once, I've made a point of ensuring the subject matter is extremely different so as not to confuse myself. It's worked thus far and is a fun way to get even more reading in - something I'm always looking for ways to do let's be honest.
It's lights out at 10pm to ensure a solid night's rest before waking up the next morning and getting after my morning routine (post coming soon!)
There you have it! That is my Monday-Friday nighttime routine. As I mentioned earlier, it's truly been a labor of love with my nighttime (and morning!) routine. Ever since being in lockdown/quarantine/working from home, I've worked extremely hard to establish a set routine to keep myself in check both at night and in the morning. Without a set routine, I know many people tend to flounder (myself 100% included) instead of waking up confident and ready to take on the day!
If you have any questions about any products I use or anything I mentioned above, please don't hesitate to reach out! If I can help you in any way with establishing your own nighttime or morning routines should you want to, I would love to do so.